Wednesday, April 6, 2016


        Social media has impacted us in many ways whether its good or bad. I am going to describe the Ted talk speech made by Wael Ghonim. Also some positive effects and suggestions to liberate the internet.

     First, I am going to talk about 5 challenges of using Internet/ Social Media. 1 challenge about the internet is rumors. We do not know how to deal with rumors. Some biases are spreading and being believed all over the internet world all because of one silly rumor. Another challenge is that we create our personal echo chambers. This means that we only tend to communicate with people that we agree with. Third, discussions escalate quickly, leading to different opinions, causing angry mobs on the internet. In Waels speech, he states, "Online discussions quickly descend into angry mobs." This proves that whatever you may post or write online, people always find a way to see it in a bad way and create conflict. Fourth, It becomes very hard to change our opinions. We are forced to jump to conclusions in world affairs. And finally, the impact of communicating properly and shallow conversations. Wael states, " ...Today, our social media experiences are designed in a way... favors broadcasting over engagements, post over discussions, shallow comments over deep conversations."

    However, there are many solutions to these problems. For one, we need to think about effective crowd sourcing mechanisms, so we can join as one and fix these problems. Second, we need to rethink today's social media ecosystem and redesign its experiences to reward thoughtfulness so the internet can improve and people won't change in a negative way. We should also make it socially except able to have our own opinions. Wael states, "Shouldn't we just give people mor incentives to engage in conversations, rather than just broadcasting opinons all the time?" This is a solution that will help us in our lives.

 These are just some conflicts and solutions. There are far many more solutions to help us solve these conflicts. Social media and the internet can impact us in negative ways as Wael says. Sometimes, getting away from the internet can fix these problems and improve our lives overall. Going silent like Wael can really help us.