Friday, February 26, 2016

How Will I Be Better Digital Citizen using the Information Learned from Yesterday's Presentation?

    I will be a better citizen using all the information given from yesterday's presentations. I learned a lot more about being aware about using the internet. I learned that it is important to keep all my personal information safe especially my passwords. The reason why is because if I do share my information it can cause people to hack and mess up all my work or other accounts online. I will try to avoid any pop ups to not risk getting any viruses associated with my device. Also, I will be sure to not put anything online that would potentially be harmful because of digital footprints. I will try to not be rude to anyone online or text back to random people I don't know. I will not look at sites that aren't appropriate. If I communicate safely or share photos online I will be successful and I will never be in danger online. I will try to follow all these rules so that I can be a pro on the internet. Overall, I learned many things about using the internet and hopefully, I will apply these and never bend the rules.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What are the 10 Most Important Inventions in my life? why?

        There are lots of things that I use in a daily basis. However, If I had to chose 10 inventions that are most useful, I would choose the following... plus food..

1. Television
3. Baths/showers/bathbombs
4. Makeup
6. Clothes
8. My bed
10. Light

  I would choose these because I wouldn't be able to be entertained and be alive today. I use these thing in a daily basis which is why I chose these things.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What Digital Footprints have I left behind? What social Networks have I used and do I have anything online that shouldn't be?

           I have a digital footprint online: Weebly. In sixth grade, I used multiple sites and made different accounts that I'm not sure I'm ever going to use.

The social networks that I have used are:
(In order from most used to least used)

2. Facebook
3. Tumblr
4. Pinterest
5. Twitter

I don't think I have left anything online that shouldn't be there.

Friday, February 5, 2016

What was the Saddest day of My Life?

              I have had A LOT of sad and horrible days. Nothing can be more sad than my life. However there were 3 most worst days in my life.

1. When my puppy had to be given away
2. When my grandparents left
3. When my grandpa died

  I didn't really know my "grandpa" and he was my real grandpa's brother so I just call him grandpa. He was very bright and funny and he always told me to stay strong and to be positive. He apparently passed away 2 years ago because of diabetes, blood cancer, and high cholesterol. I never knew he was that sick and I always went to him when he felt very sick. He took me out shopping and bought me lots of stuff and he couldn't even walk. He was super generous and kind, and he himself raised my mom because my real grandpa didn't have a way. My mom was crying soooo much the day she heard that my grandpa had died.                                                     Basically, my mom's whole childhood was spent with                                                           him...No one expected it because he was only in his fifties.                                                   At that time, we were here in America, so my mom had                                                         many regrets for not going back to see him. My mom                                                           brought him lots of stuff because she loved him dearly so                                                     whenever I see his stuff I think "grandpa..." :(

Thursday, February 4, 2016

What Was the Happiest day of My life?

          The happiest day of my life was when my grandparents came to America to visit us. I didn't really know who my grandpa and grandma were, but my told me. When my grandparents came through the door, the first thought was, "Wow, old people are adorable." My grandpa was wearing a suit and I told him that he looked very handsome and classy. He didn't understand English at all, so he just nodded and laughed. Then, I talked to my grandma, and said, "You look beautiful..." She laughed and said "What?" (Not in English.) I found out that she had a hard time hearing. Throughout the day, my grandparents talked to me ( In their language.) However, I didn't understand much. I decided to teach my grandpa some English and he learned pretty quick! ( I was  in 2nd grade at the time.) Later on, my mom took all of us to dinner and it was super fun. Afterwards, my grandpa brought me ice cream and we played games. My grandma cooked me A LOT of food and they were all great. I know it doesn't seem like it was such a fun day, but it                                                           was, and meeting my grandparents will always be a good                                                     memory.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Do I agree with the New York Sugar Ban?

                 I disagree and agree at the same time. The reason why is because there are pros and cons to both banning and not banning the sugary drinks. I disagree because people should eat what they want because it's a free country and people deserve to drink or eat what they want. However, the ban will be good for New York because it will decrease the obese population and diabetes will be reduced as well. Overall, if the sugar ban becomes a rule, the health of New York will rise. However, this may cause some chaos because the people who really like sugary drinks will cause conflict.